Sunday, February 20, 2011

A 2 car family, once again!

Last week A.J. and I finalized the purchase of our second car! Seems like a minor feat, but after driving A.J. to work everyday for 5 months and having to wait for him many of those evenings as well, it is a nice change of pace to have my own car again. This little guy is old, but he is in great condition and running well! The perfect little car to get me to and from work... and notice that it is the PERFECT color as well.

It also got properly zapped as soon as it got home!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Snow, Valentine's Day and 2nd Grade!

Happy Valentine's Day! I need to apologize for the lack of blog posts the last few weeks. Things have gotten a bit busy around here! Not many "outings" have been happening on this side of the world (ie- not much to blog about), the weather has been a little crazy so we haven't been out and about much. Last week it was reaching the 60's everyday and then it snowed ALL weekend! The ground was too warm for much of it to lay, but it was here!

We have done some little adventures in the past weeks; we took a second trip to Costco and checked out the IKEA here in Japan. We also added some furniture to the house, so we have things a little more organized. Doesn't seem like much, but it has filled our weekends and kept them interesting!

However, (I saved the best for last), I really haven't been around much lately because I have been observing in my new classroom!!!!! That's right... I will taking over a 2nd grade classroom at the end of the month. I am very excited to have the opportunity to teach over here! My class is a great bunch of students, and both myself and the students are very excited for me to start teaching! Once I am all settled, I will take some pictures of my classroom to share, but for now, I am observing and helping in the classroom so the transition will be a bit easier on everyone!

So, that is the update on our life! A.J. has still been flying everyday and will be headed to Kadena (another part of Japan) on Thursday to go on Det for 3 weeks. I will be visiting him there for a long weekend, so stay tuned for pics from there as well!

Hope that all of you are keeping busy! We sure are! Have a great Valentine's Day and I promise the next break won't be so long!

PS- Here is a pic of my Valentine's Day flowers that were delivered to school today! A.J did good! ;-)